Frequently Asked Questions

Who is NBT Bancorp's transfer agent and how does a registered shareholder contact the agent regarding account information?
NBT's transfer agent is Equinity Trust Company, LLC. Stockholders can contact the transfer agent by phone at 800.NBT.BANK (800.628.2265), Option 7 or by email at [email protected]. A mailing address is also available on the Contact Us page on this website.

Does NBT Bancorp offer a Dividend Reinvestment Program (DRP) for its common stockholders?
Yes. For more information contact Equinity Trust Company, LLC using the contact information above.

Does NBT Bancorp offer Direct Deposit of common stock dividends?
Yes. For more information contact Equinity Trust Company, LLC using the contact information above.

Does NBT Bancorp offer a Direct Stock Purchase Program (DSPP)?
Yes. For more information contact Equinity Trust Company, LLC using the contact information above.

How many employees does NBT Bancorp have?
The Company has approximately 2,110 employees.

What is the ticker symbol and CUSIP number for NBT Bancorp common stock?
The ticker symbol for NBT Bancorp is NBTB and the CUSIP number is 628778102.

What year was NBT Bancorp incorporated and in what state?
NBT Bancorp was incorporated in 1986 in the state of Delaware.

How can I obtain a copy of NBT Bancorp annual report?
Visit the Annual Reports page on this website or write to our Chief Financial Officer, Annette Burns, at: NBT Bancorp Inc., 52 South Broad Street, Norwich, NY 13815

Where is NBT Bancorp's common stock traded?
The stock is traded on the Nasdaq Global Market System.

Which analysts currently follow NBT Bancorp?
Visit the Analyst Estimates page on this website for a complete list of analysts following NBT Bancorp.

What is the number of shares of common stock currently outstanding?
As of March 22, 2024, there were 47,155,015 shares of common stock outstanding.

Who is NBT Bancorp's outside legal counsel?
Hogan Lovells, LLP

Who is NBT Bancorp's independent accountant?
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If you have any questions or need any assistance please contact Customer Service at 1-800-NBT-BANK.